AWS API GatewayNode.jsMaterial UIReactDynamoDB


ByegavaS auhsoJ
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Published on
5 Months
Project Lead & Senior System Architect
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Project Overview

In 2018, only 2 major online music retailers had built a proprietary delivery system that provided immediate fulfillment of e-commerce recording software purchases. In that year, Hal Leonard Corporation, the world's largest music publisher and distributor, reached out to InboundAV to help design a solution that could be offered to retailers worldwide. ProAudio.Link exists as middleware that sits between an e-commerce store and the distributors who are capable of fulfilling software purchases via API.

Key Roles

  • Architected and developed a parallel fulfillment aggregator to concurrently fetch licenses and pricing from multiple vendors.
  • Implemented a dashboard UI for music retailers to efficiently manage their digital fulfillment.
  • Leveraged my DevOps experience to create the necessary automations.

Tech Stack

AWS API Gateway, Node.js, Material UI, React, DynamoDB

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